The television show "Divine Renovation," its host, actor Erik Estrada, and a film crew spent the week at FISH of Northwest CT shelter and food pantry, providing repairs to the building and a new flagpole on the lawn. The week culminated with an outdoor picnic May 11, attended by local officials and many guests. Estrada is pictured with FISH Executive Director Deirdre DiCara to his left and members of the FISH staff.
Read MoreA dog training facility in Winsted had a special guest this week. Movie and TV star Erik Estrada made a stop there as part of his new faith-based show Divine Renovation. The show is helping people and pups in need.
Read MoreActor Erik Estrada talks about the show he's working on right in Connecticut.
Read MoreEducated Canines Assisting with Disabilities will have a special visitor on May 15 when Erik Estrada and his show, Divine Renovation: New England, arrives.
Read More"I have to be busy," said Estrada, the host of the new docuseries "Divine Renovation," a home renovation show that adds a spiritual element and brings community members, not-for-profit organizations and houses of worship together.
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